When Church Hurts: … and you want to walk away

The stories are seemingly endless. Many have turned away from the church, not because of disagreements over doctrine but out of their pain—a hurtful comment here and unreasonable expectation there. Before you know it, they believe the best thing for them to do is walk away. I've seen this many times in my life, and … Continue reading When Church Hurts: … and you want to walk away

  Leave Room For Grace

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me” are some of the most profound/beautiful words ever to be sung within our churches! Do you believe them? Do you believe, as Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus that we are saved by grace (Eph 2:5)? It is so disheartening when some … Continue reading   Leave Room For Grace

Biblical Marriage: What God Hates

 ***This is the 3rd article in a series. The series is meant to be read in order. If you have not yet read the earlier articles, please stop and do so and then come back here. The first article can be found here. The second article can be found here.*** We discussed in our last … Continue reading Biblical Marriage: What God Hates