Biblical Marriage: Mark 10/ Matthew 19

 ***This is the 5th article in this series. It is VERY important that you read these articles in order. If you have missed any in this series, please go back and read them before continuing to read this post. First Article, Second Article, Third Article, Fourth Article*** The two largest passages in the Gospels concerning … Continue reading Biblical Marriage: Mark 10/ Matthew 19

Biblical Marriage: What God Hates

 ***This is the 3rd article in a series. The series is meant to be read in order. If you have not yet read the earlier articles, please stop and do so and then come back here. The first article can be found here. The second article can be found here.*** We discussed in our last … Continue reading Biblical Marriage: What God Hates

Biblical Marriage- Sin’s Destruction

***This is the second article in a series. They are written to build upon one another. If you have not read the first article, please read it here and then come back to this one*** I dare say that there is not a person who will read this writing who has not felt the pain … Continue reading Biblical Marriage- Sin’s Destruction