Leave Room For Grace

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me” are some of the most profound/beautiful words ever to be sung within our churches! Do you believe them? Do you believe, as Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus that we are saved by grace (Eph 2:5)? It is so disheartening when some … Continue reading   Leave Room For Grace

“Are You at Peace?”

It is October. This means that I have been spending a few hours each week doing something that I absolutely love. Deer hunting. I go out to my stand roughly an hour and a half before the sunrise. I sit, and I wait. Hoping that I will be able to see my game. Thus far, … Continue reading “Are You at Peace?”

“Where Would I Be Without the Church?” Pt. 3

           This is the final post in this mini-series. I have attempted to briefly summarize some of the main points in response to this question. As most of you know, this series could go on and on. However, I simply wanted to share a few things to get us thinking about the importance of the … Continue reading “Where Would I Be Without the Church?” Pt. 3